Aims and scope

I started to work on ES32 because I needed an EEG analysis program that was cheap, reliable, fast, and easy to work with.

Unfortuntely none of these criteria were met by Neuroscan's software.

But I not only wanted a cheap, reliable, fast, and easy to work with clone of Neuroscan's Edit. I also wanted a piece of software that would have a couple of benefits. For example, I needed the software to do some basic bookkeeping for me. When I include or exclude subjects in a grand average, when I define conditions by using certain event codes, etc. why note all that on a separate piece of paper when my analysis software could do and remember all of this?

Thus the philosophy of ES32 is that it will work on sets of subjects. It is designed to analyze the data of experiments. Not to analyze the data of one condition of one subject.

The result of this is the ES32 software (click to see some screenshots).

What ES32 can do

The list of features is pretty long, but the major ones are:

What ES32 can not do (right now)

ES32 cannot do everything. Something that you need it to do may be on the list of things it cannot do. Because I personally hate to check software for features that may be there, here is the list of things that are not supported:

You might also want to read Pre-requisites: What do I need to work with ES32?